Our best parenting hacks, which could save you time and make life easier!
Published: 28/02/2023
It’s tough being a parent! It’s renowned for being the hardest, yet most rewarding job in the world. So, why make life more difficult than it needs to be? Have you ever wondered; how can I make this easier?
With a million and one things on your to-do lists, even the smallest of tasks can feel unmanageable.
To help busy families, we’ve gathered our best parenting hacks, which will hopefully keep little ones happy, save you time and make your life easier!
1. Organise Clothes into Days
Setting up each day’s worth of clothes into piles within drawers is one of our best time-saving tips.
We understand how tricky it can be to get little ones dressed and ready for the day - whether it’s arguments about outfit choices or struggles with school uniforms.
By tactically putting together what your child needs to wear each day for the week ahead, it should make the morning routine much smoother and stress-free.
2. Emergency Car Pack
No matter what age your child is, having a rucksack packed full of essential goods is a great way of avoiding those all-too-often forgetful mishaps.
Keeping a handy pack in the boot with non-perishable snacks, spare clothes, nappies and wipes, a towel, hats, and suncream can be a lifesaver for those moments when you’re out and about and can’t nip home.
This is a parenting life hack your future self will love you for!
3. Organise Breakfast Before Bed
Mornings can be stressful when trying to get yourself ready as well as little ones. No matter how good your morning routine is, any way of making life easier is a bonus, right?
A time-saving hack you could introduce is preparing breakfast the night before.
Something as simple as getting cereal boxes, spoons, and bowls on the table can gain you precious minutes that could be used elsewhere (like the teeth-brushing battle!)
The same can be said for lunchboxes - prepping this the night before will make you feel like you’re winning at parenting!
4. Use a Shared Family Calendar
Having a shared calendar with your family allows everyone involved in childcare tasks to have full visibility of what’s needed to be done and when.
It’s super simple to set up. There are calendars available from Google, Microsoft, or Apple – simply search in your app store.
If you have multiple family members or friends helping with childcare responsibilities, whether it’s after-school clubs, nursery drops, or pickups, this time-saving tip is an absolute lifesaver when it comes to helping you run a tight ship.
5. Opt for Online Shopping
Ever watched a parent struggling with a wriggling or screaming toddler in the supermarket? (Or maybe you’ve been in that position before!) Save time, precious energy, and stress by doing your food shopping online.
Not only can you pre-plan your meals so can save money and cut down on wasted food, but you also get the luxury of having it delivered to your door. This means no fighting a small, wriggly person into a trolley and fending off unnecessary snacks being thrown into the shopping basket.
There we have it, our selection of parenting hacks we think will help busy families save time, and money and enjoy more quality time together.
Hopefully, these parenting hacks help save you time, but remember, parenting is hard! You’re allowed to cut corners when you need to – don’t feel guilty! It has to be done every so often to make life easier.
For more tips and advice, check out our blog which is packed full of guides, inspiration, and reassurance for parents.