
The only way is UP!

Published: 15/12/2021

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Busy Bees

Congratulations to our academic lead, Jenny Shaw, who has received a Distinction in her Early Childhood Education Master’s degree!

Busy Bees is hugely proud of Jenny who has been studying remotely for the past two years at The University of Sheffield.

Having joined the business over 15 years ago, Jenny has most recently taken on the role as Lead Academic Research and Developer. Jenny leads on the development of Unleashing Potential (UP), Busy Bees’ very own digital learning and development programme for educators and parents which has over 40,000 users in the UK, Jersey, and Australia.

Jenny said: “I am hugely proud to have received a Distinction in my Masters. It has been a fascinating journey and I have gained so much valuable insight from international early years providers during my studies.

“I am looking forward to sharing best practice and supporting educators to grow our international presence further. In turn, we can ensure our nurseries are equipped with the right learning and development tools to provide children with the very best start in life.”

To find out more, connect with Jenny on LinkedIn.