Busy Bees Cambridge Westwick

Contact Us

Please complete the form below to get in touch.

If you are a new parent and would like to talk to our central enrolments team please call us on 0330 333 8133.

Does your child already attend our nursery?


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How can we help you today? *


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How can we help you today? *

Where did you hear about us? *


Busy Bees Cambridge Westwick

Westwick Hall Farm




CB24 3AR

01223 232400

Leavers Form

We're sorry to see you go. Please complete the leavers form to formally let us know the final date that your child will be attending nursery.

Fill in form
Buzz And Friend


Daniel B


"Friendly staff who really care about the children. Forrest school is amazing, I love that my child is growing up spending time outdoors with nature. "

Dan S.


"The nursery and nursery staff seem excellent. The manager Anita is particularly fantastic and very supportive. we are happy that our daughter is at the nursery. However we are concerned that the nursery is struggling and often has to ask parents to not bring their children in or shut rooms completely due to the lack of staffing. I understand that this is a nationwide issue however perhaps using agency staff every now and again would help. It feels that there's no gaurantee as to whether my daughter will go to nursery that day. Given the very high cost I don't want to feel slightly anxious every morning waiting for a call or message saying the nursery has shut the room. Thank you."